Returning a Subtype From a Method Defined By a Base Class in C#
It happens rarely but regularly that I want to define a function in an abstract base class that return an instance of the child class. Typically this comes up because I want the ability to chain method invocations; it’s much easier to type Marklar.CreateNew( … ).Save( ).SendTo( … ) than it is to break that out over three or more lines and introduce a local variable (at least to me). It also shows up when you’re doing any heavily generic programming, when you want a clone( ) method, and a host of other unusual-but-not-unheard of cases.
The obvious (and unsatisfying) way to do this is as follows:
class BaseMarklar {
public BaseMarklar Self( ) { return this; }
class BlueMarklar : BaseMarklar {
public void Frob( ) { … }
The problem there is that if I have a reference to a BlueMarklar and invoke Self, the result of the call isn’t a BlueMarklar, but a BaseMarklar. If I want to do something BlueMarklar-specific to the result (like Frob( ) it) I’ll need to cast down the inheritance hierarchy, which as we all know is akin to crossing the streams except with fewer toasted marshmallows and more unforeseen crashing bugs.
There are a lot of things you can try to get around this, but none of them work quite right. Virtual functions don’t work, because an override with a different method signature isn’t an override. Leaving it out of the base class and instituting an external rule that subclasses must implement Self( ) doesn’t work, because then you can’t call it polymorphically and besides nobody’s going to implement it anyway.
Eventually you’ll try getting clever; If you’re in C#, for instance, you’ll wonder: what if Self were a generic method?
class BaseMarklar {
public T Self
class BlueMarklar : BaseMarklar {
public void Frob( ) { … }
class RedMarklar : BaseMarklar {
public void Frizzle( ) { … }
You’ll realize pretty quickly that this won’t compile because the cast from this to T is invalid, but in keeping with the long-standing Microsoft tradition of solving every problem with a where clause, this is not an insoluble problem:
class BaseMarklar {
public T Self
That kinda-sorta works; You’ll need to manually specify the generic type for Self( ) every time you invoke it (because there are no parameters from which to infer), but if you can live with the admittedly minor annoyance of typing MyBlueMarklar.Self
Until someone else has to work with or support your code, of course. Because you’ve given them a loaded gun, which they’re free to point and fire just by typing MyBlueMarklar.Self
So how do you prevent this? Well, here’s a solution:
class BaseMarklar
class BlueMarklar : BaseMarklar
class RedMarklar : BaseMarklar
Weird, ain’t it? The more I think about this, the more I’m amazed that it works (and it does work… or at least it passes all my unit tests). We’re building classes that inherit from a generic class that’s parameterized on the class we’re creating.
I haven’t had time to test it out, but I’m 99% sure this would be impossible with C++ templates – because templates are essentially expanded like glorified macros during compilation and base classes have to be successfully compiled before compiling subclasses, you’d end up with a circular dependency problem. I can imagine this causing stack overflows on a whole class of code-analysis tools.